Family Imaging Study Instructions and Schedule



Dear Parent,

This schedule provides a general overview of the appointments. The study involves a screening process completed at home and two full-day campus appointments at UCSF. We have weekend appointments (both Saturdays and Sundays) available for both campus appointments.

We understand and deeply appreciate the time commitment you are making to this study. Please note that all times listed below are rough estimates. Your child’s needs (such as for breaks) may differ from what is listed below. Thank you for your continued support of this study. We believe this project will greatly advance the scientific knowledge of socio-emotional traits and reading skills and help to minimize the problems that some children face regulating emotions and learning to read.


Contact Information

Family Imaging Study: [email protected] [For anything related to this study]
Dr. Hiroko Tanaka: [email protected] [For questions regarding consent form, testing and scheduling]
Dr. Roeland Hancock: [email protected] [For questions regarding consent form, testing and scheduling]
Dr. Cheng Wang: [email protected] [For questions regarding consent form, testing and scheduling]
Dr. Fumiko Hoeft: [email protected] [For all other questions]


Study Schedule


Phase 1: Consent and Screening at Home

Duration: 2 hrs
Location: Your Home
Consent/Assent: from child and parents. Please do not sign the consent form if you have questions because we can go over the consent form and answer questions over the phone.
Screening Process: We will schedule a phone/Skype call to ask you eligibility questions and also answer any questions you might have.
MRI Preparation: Watch the Getting Ready for Your MRI video  with your child on our MRI procedures web page:
Notes: We will email consent forms for you to sign and send the scanned copy back. If you prefer to use hard copies, we can deliver forms with a return envelope.

Phase 2: Survey, Neuropsychological Testing and MRI Training

Duration: 7 hours total (including instructions and breaks)
Location: UCSF Mission Bay campus
Saliva sample collection: from child and parents
Survey/Questionnaire: handedness, temperament, adaptive behavior, parental behavior, emotion regulation, home environment, reading history, depression and anxiety inventory.
Neuropsychological Tests: IQ, reading, phonological processing, working memory, math ability, attention, visuo-motor skills, auditory processing
MRI Training: We will practice how to stay still for the MRI session, and learn the tasks you will be doing during the MRI session. Read more details about MRI procedures here:

Phase 3: MRI Scan Session

Duration: 7 hours total (including instructions and breaks)
Location: UCSF Mission Bay campus
Scan Related Tests: MRI scan session while playing two games (face game and word/math game)
Rewards: We will reimburse you for the travel, and the child’s participation will be rewarded with small prizes at the end of Phase 3.


Post Study

1. We will send you a written evaluation report and pictures of brain scans. Evaluation reports are typically mailed out 4-6 weeks after the last testing session.
2. We hope to follow-up in 1-1.5 years for further follow-up testing.
3. Please contact us for any changes in contact information.